Transform Record and related software

Tim Mooney



This documentation describes version 5.8, and earlier, of the EPICS transform record, and related EPICS software recommended for building and using it. Version 5.8 is compatible with EPICS Release 3.14.x, and it may be compatible with later releases, but it is not compatible with any earlier releases of EPICS.

The TRANSFORM record combines features of the CALC and SEQUENCE records, with 16 sets of the following fields:

input link
input-link status
input/output value
output link
output-link status

There are guaranteed rules governing the sequence and conditions under which expressions are evaluated. Each time the record is processed, the following sequence occurs:

  1. Values are fetched, in order A through P, from all valid input links. That is, if INPA is a valid input link, the value of the field pointed to by INPA will be placed into the field A, and so on.
    Note: If the record is in link alarm (.NSEV >= INVALID_ALARM) after all input-link values have been fetched, and if .IVLA == "Do Nothing", then the record will quit processing at this point. It will do some clean up, but it will not execute its forward link.
  2. Valid expressions are evaluated in order CLCA through CLCP, and the resulting values are placed into the corresponding fields, A through P. Expressions are not always evaluated, however:

    If COPT=="Conditional" (0; the default value), then expression CLCx is evaluated only if x is "old", as defined below. In other words, new values are regarded as independent variables in the set of equations CLCA...CLCP, and unchanged/unwritten values are regarded as dependent variables.

    If COPT=="Always" (1), all valid expressions are evaluated unconditionally.

    The value field x is "old" if it has the same value it had after the last time the record was processed, and it was not written to (either by an outside agent or by the input link, INPx) since the last time the record was processed.

    Note that this means you cannot use both INPA and CLCA, unless you set COPT=="Always".

    Note that writes received while PACT==1 are special: they will change the field they write to, but they will not be regarded as writes for the purpose of determining whether a value is "new". This rule allows a transform record to write to itself (using database links) without messing up its notion of which values are new.

    Prior to version 5.8, there was no COPT field, and the record always behaved as though COPT=="Conditional".

  3. Valid output links are triggered in order OUTA through OUTP---regardless of whether the corresponding values have changed. That is, if OUTA is a valid link, the value in field A is poked into the field pointed to by OUTA, and so on.

The transform record uses the expression-evaluation software sCalcPostfix.c and sCalcPerform.c, originally developed for the sCalcout record. An expression may contain any of the functions and constants that are valid for the sCalcout record (including string functions, though a final string result will of course be converted to double); any of the letters A-P, which stand for the values of the corresponding fields in the instant before the expression is evaluated; the expression @n, where n is an integer in [0-15], or an expression that yields such an integer, stands for a value A-P; and any of the constants PI (3.14159265), R2D (180/PI), D2R (PI/180), S2R (D2R/3600), and R2S (R2D*3600).


The TRANSFORM record was originally intended to perform the sequences of conditional calculations required to implement bidirectional coordinate transformations.

Example: You have defined two records containing values we'll call "L" and "R" (the left and right edges of a slit, say). Sometimes the user wants to control L and R individually, and sometimes he wants to control a combination of L and R--say (L-R) and (L+R)/2, the width and center of the slit system. You can implement a bidirectional coordinate transformation with the following expressions (where position values are assumed to increase as we go from left to right):
field expression comment
A C-D/2 position of left edge of slit
B C+D/2 position of right edge of slit
C (A+B)/2 position of center of slit
D B-A width of slit

Now, if a user command moves the left side of the slit (A changes) and causes the record to process, A will not be recalculated because it's value is new, the right side of the slit will remain still (B is unnecessarily recalculated from old values of C and D), the position of the slit center (C) will change as expected, and the slit width (D) will change as expected. Thus, all four fields will contain consistent information about the two degrees of freedom controlled by the record, and effectively we have two actual devices and two virtual devices.

We don't care which two fields (out of A..D) correspond to actual motion-control devices, and two channel-access clients that make different assumptions about how a slit should be implemented can control this slit without modification. With an additional, similar transform record driven from the readback fields of the actual motion-control devices, we can calculate readback values for the virtual devices as well.

We could have accomplished nearly the same effect with six CALC records and some FANOUTs, but two of the drive fields (A,B,C,D) would always be inconsistent with their readbacks.


Expressions for the transform record are described in sCalcoutRecord.html, because the transform record uses the same expression evaluation software.


In addition to conventional expression, like "A+B", you can specify synonyms for the variables "A" through "P", as demonstrated below:

conventional expressions

expressions with user specified synonyms

To specify a synonym for the variable "A", you begin the comment field "CMTA" with the synonym, which must begin with '$', and which is terminated by the first nonalphanumeric character. For example, in the comment "$left:the left slit", the synonym is "$left".

Field Descriptions

In addition to fields common to all record types (see the EPICS Record Reference Manual for these) the transform record has the fields described below.

Alphabetical list of record-specific fields

Name Access Prompt Data type Comment
A R/W(*) Value A DOUBLE
B R/W(*) Value B DOUBLE
C R/W(*) Value C DOUBLE
CAV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCA invalid if nonzero
CBV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCB invalid if nonzero
CCV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCC invalid if nonzero
CDV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCD invalid if nonzero
CEV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCE invalid if nonzero
CFV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCF invalid if nonzero
CGV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCG invalid if nonzero
CHV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCH invalid if nonzero
CIV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCI invalid if nonzero
CJV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCJ invalid if nonzero
CKV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCK invalid if nonzero
CLCA R/W* Expression A STRING(120)
CLCB R/W* Expression B STRING(120)
CLCC R/W* Expression C STRING(120)
CLCD R/W* Expression D STRING(120)
CLCE R/W* Expression E STRING(120)
CLCF R/W* Expression F STRING(120)
CLCG R/W* Expression G STRING(120)
CLCH R/W* Expression H STRING(120)
CLCI R/W* Expression I STRING(120)
CLCJ R/W* Expression J STRING(120)
CLCK R/W* Expression K STRING(120)
CLCL R/W* Expression L STRING(120)
CLCM R/W* Expression M STRING(120)
CLCN R/W* Expression N STRING(120)
CLCO R/W* Expression O STRING(120)
CLCP R/W* Expression P STRING(120)
CLV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCL invalid if nonzero
CMTA R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTB R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTC R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTD R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTE R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTF R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTG R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTH R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTI R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTJ R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTK R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTL R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTM R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTN R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTO R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMTP R/W Comment STRING(39)
CMV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCM invalid if nonzero
CNV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCN invalid if nonzero
COPT R/W Calc option MENU:
Calcs performed conditionally, or always?
COV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCO invalid if nonzero
CPV R Expression Invalid LONG Expression CLCP invalid if nonzero
D R/W(*) Value D DOUBLE
E R/W(*) Value E DOUBLE
EGU R/W Units name STRING(16)
F R/W(*) Value F DOUBLE
G R/W(*) Value G DOUBLE
H R/W(*) Value H DOUBLE
I R/W(*) Value I DOUBLE
IAV R Link Valid MENU:
Local PV
Link INPA Valid if nonzero
IBV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPB Valid if nonzero
ICV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPC Valid if nonzero
IDV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPD Valid if nonzero
IEV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPE Valid if nonzero
IFV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPF Valid if nonzero
IGV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPG Valid if nonzero
IHV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPH Valid if nonzero
IIV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPI Valid if nonzero
IJV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPJ Valid if nonzero
IKV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPK Valid if nonzero
ILV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPL Valid if nonzero
IMV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPM Valid if nonzero
INPA R/W Input Link LINK
INPB R/W Input Link LINK
INPC R/W Input Link LINK
INPD R/W Input Link LINK
INPE R/W Input Link LINK
INPF R/W Input Link LINK
INPG R/W Input Link LINK
INPH R/W Input Link LINK
INPI R/W Input Link LINK
INPJ R/W Input Link LINK
INPK R/W Input Link LINK
INPL R/W Input Link LINK
INPM R/W Input Link LINK
INPN R/W Input Link LINK
INPO R/W Input Link LINK
INPP R/W Input Link LINK
INV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPN Valid if nonzero
IOV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPO Valid if nonzero
IPV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link INPP Valid if nonzero
IVLA R Invalid Link Action MENU:
Ignore error
Do Nothing
Selects what to do if the record is in link alarm. "Do Nothing" means quit wrap up and quit executing after input values have been fetched. The forward link will not be processed in this case.
J R/W(*) Value J DOUBLE
K R/W(*) Value K DOUBLE
L R/W(*) Value L DOUBLE
LA R Prev Value of A DOUBLE
LB R Prev Value of B DOUBLE
LC R Prev Value of C DOUBLE
LD R Prev Value of D DOUBLE
LE R Prev Value of E DOUBLE
LF R Prev Value of F DOUBLE
LG R Prev Value of G DOUBLE
LH R Prev Value of H DOUBLE
LI R Prev Value of I DOUBLE
LJ R Prev Value of J DOUBLE
LK R Prev Value of K DOUBLE
LL R Prev Value of L DOUBLE
LM R Prev Value of M DOUBLE
LN R Prev Value of N DOUBLE
LO R Prev Value of O DOUBLE
LP R Prev Value of P DOUBLE
M R/W(*) Value M DOUBLE
MAP R Input bitmap SHORT
N R/W(*) Value N DOUBLE
O R/W(*) Value O DOUBLE
OAV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OBV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OCV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
ODV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OEV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OFV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OGV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OHV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OIV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OJV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OKV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OLV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OMV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
ONV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OOV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OPV R Link Valid MENU (see IAV) Link Valid if nonzero
OUTA R/W Output Link LINK
OUTB R/W Output Link LINK
OUTC R/W Output Link LINK
OUTD R/W Output Link LINK
OUTE R/W Output Link LINK
OUTF R/W Output Link LINK
OUTG R/W Output Link LINK
OUTH R/W Output Link LINK
OUTI R/W Output Link LINK
OUTJ R/W Output Link LINK
OUTK R/W Output Link LINK
OUTL R/W Output Link LINK
OUTM R/W Output Link LINK
OUTN R/W Output Link LINK
OUTO R/W Output Link LINK
OUTP R/W Output Link LINK
P R/W(*) Value P DOUBLE
PREC R/W Display Precision MENU
RPCA R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCB R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCC R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCD R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCE R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCF R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCG R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCH R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCI R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCJ R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCK R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCL R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCM R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCN R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCO R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPCP R Postfix Expression CHAR *
RPVT R Record private info VOID *
VAL R/W VAL field DOUBLE not used
VERS R Code Version FLOAT
Note: In the Access column above:
R Read only
r Read only, not posted
R/W Read and write are allowed
R/W* Read and write are allowed; channel-access write triggers record processing if the record's SCAN field is set to "Passive."
R/W(*) Read and write are allowed; channel-access write triggers record processing if the corresponding trigger field (.xPP) is nonzero and record's SCAN field is set to "Passive."
Note: Link Valid fields IxV and OxV actually take the following values:
  • 0: "Ext PV NC" Link is to an external PV. Channel-access connection does not exist (yet?)
  • 1: "Ext PV OK" Link is to an external PV. Channel-access onnection exists.
  • 2: "Local PV" Link is to a local PV.
  • 3: "Constant" No PV name has been given for this link.


The following table briefly describes the files required to implement and use the transform record. The reader is assumed to be familiar with building EPICS.

files to be placed in <top>/<app>App/src/
transformRecord.c Record support code
transformRecord.dbd Database definition file
sCalcPerform.c string calculation support
sCalcPostfix.c string calculation support
sCalcPostfix.h string calculation support
sCalcPostfixPvt.h string calculation support

files to be placed in <top>/<app>App/Db/
userTransform.db Sample transform-record database
userTransforms10.db 10 transforms and an enable switch
userTransforms10_settings.req save-restore request file for userTransforms10.db

files to be placed in <top>/<app>App/op/adl/
yyTransform.adl Small control display for any transform record
yyTransform_full.adl ...with more detail
userTransform.adl Small control display for transform record enabled by the switch in userTransforms10.db
userTransform_full.adl ...with more detail
userTransforms10.adl Collection of userTransform callups, with overall enable switch
These files build medm screens to access the transform record. To use one of them from the command line, type, for example
medm -x -macro "P=xxx:,T=userTran1" yyTransform_full.adl

where xxx:userTran1 is the name of the transform record.

files to be placed in <top>/iocBoot/ioc<name>/
st.cmd Startup script
This file is not included in the distribution. The following line added to st.cmd loads a single transform record.

files to be placed in <top>/<app>App/op/burt/
yyTransformSettings.req save settings of a specified transform record. This file is normally #include'd (once for each transform record) by other request files.

file to be placed in your autosave search path
transform_settings.req save settings of a specified transform record. This file is normally included once for each transform record by other request files, with a line of the following form:
file transform_settings.req P=tmm:,T=userTran1 .
userTransforms10_settings.req save settings of the userTransforms10.db database. .


None that I'm aware of.
Versions earlier than 5.8 did not have the COPT field.

Release notes

Versions earlier than 5.7 did not post fields with the DBE_LOG attribute.

Versions earlier than 5.6 expected sCalcPostfix to allocate the postfix-expression array. sCalcPostfix no longer does this, and the transform record changed as a consequence.

Versions earlier than 5.5 ignored link errors. Beginning with version 5.5, you can choose to ignore link errors (the default) or to quit processing (after all input link values have been fetched and transferred to their respective value fields).

In versions earlier than 5.2, the test for old values did not correctly handle NaN values, which would always appear to be new, and would therefore never go away.

Versions earlier than 5.0 defined the additional fields APP...PPP, which determined whether or not a channel-access put to the value fields A...P, respectively, would cause the record to process. (The default value of these fields did not cause the record to process.) The mechanism used to accomplish this (scanOnce(), called from the transform record's special() routine) was incompatible with EPICS execution tracing software, dbPutNotify(), which must be able to discover from the .dbd file which fields of a record cause processing when written to via channel access. Because putNotify() has become an essential feature of EPICS in synchrotron-radiation applications (i.e., in synApps), the transform record was modified to remove the <x>PP fields, and the fields A..P were made process passive in transformRecord.dbd.

Suggestions and comments to:
Tim Mooney : (