Driver architecture ------------------- **CAUTION:** **modbus** can provide access to all of the I/O and memory of the PLC. In fact, it is not even necessary to run a ladder logic program in the PLC at all. The PLC can be used as a "dumb" I/O subsystem, with all of the logic residing in the EPICS IOC. However, if a ladder logic program *is* being run in the PLC then the EPICS access with **modbus** must be designed carefully. For example, the EPICS IOC might be allowed to *read* any of the PLC I/O points (X inputs, Y outputs, etc.), but *writes* could be restricted to a small range of Control Registers, (e.g. C200-C240). The ladder logic would monitor these control registers, considering them to be "requests" from EPICS that should be acted upon only if it is safe to do so. The architecture of the **modbus** module from the top-level down consists of the following 4 layers: 1. `EPICS asyn device support `__. This is the general purpose device support provided with `asyn `__ There is no special device support needed or provided with **modbus**. 2. An EPICS asyn port driver that functions as a Modbus client. The **modbus** port driver communicates with EPICS device support (layer 1) using the standard asyn interfaces (asynUInt32Digital, asynInt32, etc.). This driver sends and receives device-independent Modbus frames via the standard asynOctet interface to the "interpose interface" (layer 3). These frames are independent of the underlying communications protocol. Prior to R3-0 this driver was written in C. In R3-0 it was written as a C++ class that inherits from asynPortDriver. This allows it to export its methods in a way that is easy for other drivers to use, in particular the doModbusIO() method. 3. An asyn "interpose interface" layer that handles the additional data required by the underlying communications layer (TCP, RTU, ASCII). This layer communicates via the standard asynOctet interface to both the overlying Modbus driver (layer 2) and to the underlying asyn hardware port driver (layer 4). 4. An asyn port driver that handles the low-level communication (TCP/IP or serial). This is one of the standard port drivers provided with asyn, i.e. `drvAsynIPPort `__ or `drvAsynSerialPort `__. They are not part of the **modbus** module. Because **modbus** makes extensive use of existing asyn facilities, and only needs to implement layers 2 and 3 above, the amount of code in **modbus** is quite small (fewer than 3,900 lines). Each **modbus** port driver is assigned a single Modbus function code. Usually a drivers is also assigned a single contiguous range of Modbus memory, up to 2000 bits or 125 words. One typically creates several **modbus** port drivers for a single PLC, each driver reading or writing a different set of discrete inputs, coils, input registers or holding registers. For example, one might create one port driver to read discrete inputs X0-X37, a second to read control registers C0-C377, and a third to write control registers C300-C377. In this case the asyn address that is used by each record is relative to the starting address for that driver. It is also possible to create a driver is allowed to address any location in the 16-bit Modbus address space. Each read or write operation is still limited to the 125/123 word limits. In this case the asyn address that is used by each record is the absolute Modbus address. This absolute addressing mode is enabled by passing -1 as the modbusStartAddress when creating the driver. The restriction the modbus port driver to a single Modbus function does not apply to the doModbusIO() method. This method can be used for arbitrary Modbus IO using any function code. If absolute addressing is enabled as described above then the doModbusIO() function can also address any Modbus memory location. The behavior of the port driver differs for read function codes (1, 2, 3, 4), write function codes (5, 6, 15, 16, 17), and read/write function codes (23). Modbus read functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For read function codes (when absolute addressing is not being used) the driver spawns a poller thread. The poller thread reads the entire block of Modbus memory assigned to this port in a single Modbus transaction. The values are stored in a buffer in the driver. The delay between polls is set when the port driver is created, and can be changed later at run-time. The values are read by EPICS using the standard asyn interfaces (asynUInt32Digital, asynInt32, asynInt64, asynFloat64, etc.) The values that are read are the last stored values from the poller thread. The means that EPICS read operations are *asynchronous*, i.e. they can block. This is because although they do not directly result in Modbus I/O, they do need to wait for a mutex that indicates that the poller thread is done. For read functions it is possible to set the EPICS records to "I/O Intr" scanning. If this is done then the port driver will call back device support whenever there is new data for that input. This improves efficiency, because such records only process when needed, they do not need to be periodically scanned. The previous paragraphs describe the normal configuration for read operations, where relative Modbus addressing is being used. If absolute addressing is being used then the driver does not create a poller thread, because it does not know what parts of the Modbus address space should be polled. In this case read records cannot have SCAN=I/O Intr. They must either be periodically scanned, or scanned by directly causing the record to process, such as writing 1 to the .PROC field. Each time the record processes it will result in a separate Modbus read operation. NOTE: This is **much** less efficient than reading many registers at once with relative Modbus addressing. For this reason absolute Modbus addressing with read functions should normally be avoided. Modbus write functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For write function codes the driver does not itself create a separate thread. Rather the driver does the Modbus I/O immediately in response to the write operations on the standard asyn interfaces. This means that EPICS write operations are also *asynchronous*, i.e. they block because Modbus I/O is required. When the **modbus** driver is created it tells asynManager that it can block, and asynManager creates a separate thread that executes the write operations. Word write operations using the asynUInt32Digital interface (with a mask parameter that is not 0x0 or 0xFFFF) are done using read/modify/write operations. This allows multiple Modbus clients to write and read single words in the same block of Modbus memory. However, it *does not* guarantee correct operation if multiple Modbus clients (or the PLC itself) can modify bits within a single word. This is because the Modbus server cannot perform the read/modify/write I/O as an atomic operation at the level of the Modbus client. For write operations it is possible to specify that a single read operation should be done when the port driver is created. This is normally used so that EPICS obtains the current value of an output device when the IOC is initialized. Modbus RTU specifies a minimum delay of 3.5 character times between writes to the device. The modbusInterposeConfig function allows one to specify a write delay in msec before each write. Modbus write/read functions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modbus function code 23 allows for writing a set of registers and reading a set of registers in a single operation. The read operation is performed after the write operation, and the register range to be read can be different from the register range to be written. Function code 23 is not widely used, and the write/read operation is not a good fit to the **modbus** driver model of read-only and write-only drivers. Function code 23 is implemented in **modbus** with the following restrictions: - A driver that uses Modbus function code 23 is either *read-only* or *write-only*. - A read-only driver is created by specifying function code 123 to the drvModbusAsynConfigure command described below. The driver will use Modbus function code 23 for the Modbus protocol. It will only read registers (like function codes 3 and 4), it will not write any data to the device. - A write-only driver is created by specifying function code 223 to the drvModbusAsynConfigure command described below. The driver will use Modbus function code 23 for the Modbus protocol. It will only write registers (like function code 16), it will not read any data from the device. Platform independence ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **modbus** should run on all EPICS platforms. It has been tested on linux-x86, linux-x86_64, vxWorks-ppc32, win32-x86, windows-x64, (native Windows with Microsoft Visual Studio C++ compiler). The only thing that may be architecture dependent in **modbus** is the structure packing in modbus.h. The "#pragma pack(1)" directive used there is supported on gnu and Microsoft compilers. If this directive is not supported on some compilers of interest then modbus.h will need to have the appropriate architecture dependent code added.