
This chapter gives a gentle introduction to State Notation Language (SNL).

A First Example

We start with a simple state machine volt_check that controls a light switch depending on the value of a voltage measurement and the internal state of the program. The following code fragment defines the state machine:

ss volt_check {
  state light_off {
    when (voltage > 5.0) {
      light = TRUE;
    } state light_on
  state light_on {
    when (voltage < 3.0) {
      light = FALSE;
    } state light_off

At the top level we use the keyword ss to declare a state set (which is SNL speak for state machine) named volt_check. Inside the code block that follows, we define the states of this state set, using the state keyword. There are two states here: light_off and light_on. Inside each state, we define conditions under which the program will enter another state, indicated by the keyword when. The block following the condition contains action statements that are executed when the condition fires.

In our example, in state light_off, whenever the voltage exceeds a value of 5.0, the light switch is turned on, and the internal state changes to light_on. In state light_on, whenever the voltage is or drops below 3.0, the light switch is turned off, and the internal state changes to light_off.

The following is a graphical representation of the above state machine:

blockdiag start state: light_off v > 5 light = TRUE; pvPut(light); state: light_on v < 3 light = FALSE; pvPut(light);

Note that the output or action depends not only on the input or condition, but also on the current state. For instance, an input voltage of 4.2 volts does not alone determine the output (light), the current state matters, too.

As you can see, the SNL code is syntactically very similar to the C language. Particularly, the syntax for variable declarations, expressions, and statements are exactly as in C, albeit with a few restrictions.

You might wonder about the function calls in the above code. The pvPut function is a special built-in function that writes (or puts) the value in the variable light to the appropriate process variable. But before I can explain how this works, we must talk about how program variables are “connected” to process variables.


SNL programs interact with the outside world via variables that are bound to (or connected to) process variables (PVs) in EPICS. In our example, there are two such variables: voltage, which represents a measured voltage, and light which controls a light switch. In an actual SNL program, these variables must be declared before they can be used:

float voltage;
int light;

We also want to associated them with PVs i.e. EPICS record fields:

assign voltage to "Input_voltage";
assign light to "Indicator_light";

The above assign clauses associate the variables voltage and light with the process variables “Input_voltage” and “Indicator_light” respectively.

We also want the value of voltage to be updated automatically whenever it changes. This is accomplished with the following code:

monitor voltage;

Whenever the value in the control system (the EPICS database) changes, the value of voltage will likewise change. Note however that this depends on the underlying system sending update messages for the value in question. When and how often such updates are communicated by the underlying system may depend on the configuration of the PV. For instance if the PV “Input_voltage” is the VAL field of an ai (analog input) record, then the value of the MDEL field of the same record specifies the amount of change that the designer considers a “relevant” change; smaller changes will not cause an event to be sent, and accordingly will not cause a state change in the above program.

Built-in PV Functions

I said above that the program interacts with the outside world via variables assigned to PVs. However, mutating such a variable e.g. via the C assignment operator (see Assignment Operators), as in:

light = TRUE;

only changes the value of light as seen from inside the program. In order for the new value to take effect, it must be written to the PV connected with the variable. This is done by calling the special built-in function pvPut, that gets the variable as argument.

Note that calling such a special built-in function does not follow the standard C semantics for function calls! Particularly, what actually gets passed to the function is not the value of the variable light (as it would in C), instead an internal representation of the variable gets passed (by reference). You can think of what actually gets passed as an “object” (as in “object-oriented”) or a “handle” that contains all the necessary run-time information, one of which is the name of PV the variable is connected with.

There are many more of these built-in functions, the SNL Reference for Version 2.2 contains detailed description of each one. For now, let’s keep to the basics; I’ll mention just one more built-in function: With pvGet, you can poll PVs explicitly, instead of using monitor. That is, a statement such as


has the effect of sending a get request to the PV “Input_voltage”, waiting for the response, and then updating the variable with the new value.

A Complete Program

Here is what the complete program for our example looks like:

program level_check

float voltage;
assign voltage to "Input_voltage";
monitor voltage;

short light;
assign light to "Indicator_light";

ss volt_check {
  state light_off {
    when (voltage > 5.0) {
      /* turn light on */
      light = TRUE;
    } state light_on

  state light_on {
    when (voltage < 5.0) {
      /* turn light off */
      light = FALSE;
    } state light_off

Each program must start with the word program, followed by the name of the program (an identifier):

program level_check

After that come global declarations and then one or more state sets.

Adding a Second State Set

We will now add a second state set to the previous example. This new state set generates a changing value as its output (a triangle function with amplitude 11).

First, we add the following lines to the declaration:

float vout;
float delta;
assign vout to "Output_voltage";

Next we add the following lines after the first state set:

ss generate_voltage {
  state init {
    when () {
      vout = 0.0;
      delta = 0.2;
    } state ramp
  state ramp {
    when (delay(0.1)) {
      if ((delta > 0.0 && vout >= 11.0) ||
          (delta < 0.0 && vout <= -11.0)) {
        delta = -delta; /* change direction */
      vout += delta;
    } state ramp

The above example exhibits several concepts. First, note that the transition clause in state init contains an empty event expression. This means unconditional execution of the transition. The first state in each state set is always the initial state, so we give it the name init. From this first state there is an immediate unconditional transition to the state ramp, initializing some variables during the transition. Note that the ramp state always returns to itself. The structure of this state set is shown in the following STD:

blockdiag start state: init TRUE vout = 0.0; pvPut(vout); delta = 0.2; state: ramp delay ... ... vout += delta;

The final concept introduced in the last example is the delay function. This function returns a boolean that tells us whether the given time interval has elapsed. The interval is given in seconds (as a floating point value) and counts from the time the state was entered.

At this point, you may wish to try an example with the two state sets. You can jump ahead and read parts of the Chapters Compiling SNL Programs and Running SNL Programs to find out how. You probably want to pick unique names for your process variables, rather than the ones used above.

Variable Initialization and Entry Blocks

Since version 2.1 it has become simpler to initialize variables: you can use the same syntax as in C, i.e. initialize together with the declaration:

float vout = 0.0;
float delta = 0.2;

which, by the way, can also be written as

float vout = 0.0, delta = 0.2;

More complicated initialization (e.g. involving non-constant expressions or side-effects) can be done using an entry block instead of using a separate state:

ss generate_voltage {
  state ramp {
    entry {
    when (delay(0.1)) {
    } state ramp

The actions in an entry block in a state declaration are executed whenever the state is entered from a different state. In this case this means the


that appears inside the entry block will be executed only once when the state is entered for the first time.

PV Names Using Program Parameters

You can use program parameter substitution to parameterize the PV names in your program. In our example we could replace the assign statements with the following:

assign voltage to "{unit}:ai1";
assign vout to "{unit}:ao1";

The string within the curly braces is the name of a program parameter and the whole thing (the name and the braces) are replaced with the value of the parameter. For example, if the parameter “unit” has value “DTL_6:CM_2”, then the expanded PV name is “DTL_6:CM_2:ai1”. See Program Parameters for more on program parameters (and particularly how to give them values).

Data Types

In earlier versions, variables were restricted to a hand full of predefined types, plus one or two-dimensional arrays of these.

This is no longer true: you can declare variables of any type you like. The only restrictions are:

  1. you cannot define new types, only use them in declarations

  2. when using type aliases (“typedef”) you must prefix them with the keyword “typename”

  3. only variables of the above mentioned restricted list can be assign'ed to PVs.

The built-in types are: char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, float , and double. These correspond exactly to their C equivalents. In addition there is the type string, which is an array of 40 char.

Sequencer variables having any of these types may be assigned to a process variable. The type declared does not have to be the same as the native control system value type. The conversion between types is performed at run-time. For more details see the corresponding section in the reference.

You may specify array variables as follows:

long arc_wf[1000];

When assigned to a process variable, operations such as pvPut are performed for the entire array.

Arrays of Variables

Often it is necessary to have several associated process variables. The ability to assign each element of an SNL array to a separate process variable can significantly reduce the code complexity. The following illustrates this point:

float Vin[4];
assign Vin[0] to "{unit}1";
assign Vin[1] to "{unit}2";
assign Vin[2] to "{unit}3";
assign Vin[3] to "{unit}4";

We can then take advantage of the Vin array to reduce code size as in the following example:

for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
  Vin[i] = 0.0;
  pvPut (Vin[i]);

We also have a shorthand method for assigning channels to array elements:

assign Vin to { "{unit}1", "{unit}2", "{unit}3", "{unit}4" };

Similarly, the monitor declaration may be either by individual element:

monitor Vin[0];
monitor Vin[1];
monitor Vin[2];
monitor Vin[3];

Alternatively, we can do this for the entire array:

monitor Vin;

And the same goes when Synchronizing State Sets with Event Flags and Queuing Monitors.

Double subscripts offer additional options:

double X[2][100];
assign X to {"apple", "orange"};

The declaration creates an array with 200 elements. The first 100 elements of X are assigned to (array) “apple”, and the second 100 elements are assigned to (array) “orange” .

It is important to understand the distinction between the first and second array indices here. The first index defines a 2-element array of which each element is associated with a process variable. The second index defines a 100-element double array to hold the value of each of the two process variables. When used in a context where a number is expected, both indices must be specified, e.g. X[1][49] is the 50th element of the value of “orange” . When used in a context where a process variable is expected, e.g. with pvPut, then only the first index should be specified, e.g. X[1] for “orange” .

Dynamic Assignment

You may dynamically assign or re-assign variable to process variables during the program execution as follows:

float Xmotor;
assign Xmotor to "Motor_A_2";
sprintf (pvName, "Motor_%s_%d", snum, mnum)
pvAssign (Xmotor[i], pvName);

Note that dynamic (re-)assignment fails (with a compiler error) if the variable has not been assigned statically.

An empty string in the assign declaration implies no initial assignment and can be used to mark variables or array elements for later dynamic assignment:

assign Xmotor to "";

Likewise, an empty string can de-assign a variable:

pvAssign(Xmotor, "");

The current assignment status of a variable is returned by the pvAssigned function as follows:

isAssigned = pvAssigned(Xmotor);

The number of assigned variables is returned by the pvAssignCount function as follows:

numAssigned = pvAssignCount();

The following inequality will always hold:

pvConnectCount() <= pvAssignCount() <= pvChannelCount()

Having assigned a variable, you should wait for it to connect before using it (although it is OK to monitor it). See Connection Management.

Status of Process Variables

Process variables have an associated status, severity and time stamp. You can obtain these with the pvStatus, pvSeverity and pvTimeStamp functions. For example:

when (pvStatus(x_motor) != pvStatOK) {
printf("X motor status=%d, severity=%d, timestamp=%d\\n",
pvStatus(x_motor), pvSeverity(x_motor),

These routines are described in Built-in Functions. The values for status and severity are defined in the include file pvAlarm.h, and the time stamp is returned as a standard EPICS TS_STAMP structure, which is defined in tsStamp.h . Both these files are automatically included when compiling sequences (but the SNL compiler doesn’t know about them, so you will get warnings when using constants like pvStatOK or tags like secPastEpoch ).

Synchronizing State Sets with Event Flags

State sets within a program may be synchronized through the use of event flags. Typically, one state set will set an event flag, and another state set will test that event flag within a transition clause. The sync statement may also be used to associate an event flag with a process variable that is being monitored. In that case, whenever a monitor is delivered, the corresponding event flag is set. Note that this provides an alternative to testing the value of the monitored channel and is particularly valuable when the channel being tested is an array or when it can have multiple values and an action must occur for any change.

This example shows a state set that forces a low limit always to be less than or equal to a high limit. The first transition clause fires when the low limit changes and someone has attempted to set it above the high limit. The second transition clause fires when the opposite situation occurs.

double loLimit;
assign loLimit to "demo:loLimit";
monitor loLimit;
evflag loFlag;
sync loLimit loFlag;

double hiLimit;
assign hiLimit to "demo:hiLimit";
monitor hiLimit;
evflag hiFlag;
sync hiLimit hiFlag;

ss limit {
  state START {
    when ( efTestAndClear( loFlag ) && loLimit > hiLimit ) {
      hiLimit = loLimit;
      pvPut( hiLimit );
    } state START

    when ( efTestAndClear( hiFlag ) && hiLimit < loLimit ) {
      loLimit = hiLimit;
      pvPut( loLimit );
    } state START

The event flag is actually associated with the SNL variable, not the underlying process variable. If the SNL variable is an array then the event flag is set whenever a monitor is posted on any of the process variables that are associated with an element of that array.

Queuing Monitors

Neither testing the value of a monitored channel in a transition clause nor associating the channel with an event flag and then testing the event flag can guarantee that the sequence is aware of all monitors posted on the channel. Often this doesn’t matter, but sometimes it does. For example, a variable may transition to 1 and then back to 0 to indicate that a command is active and has completed. These transitions may occur in rapid succession. This problem can be avoided by using the syncq statement to associate a variable with a queue. The pvGetQ function retrieves and removes the head of queue.

This example illustrates a typical use of pvGetQ : setting a command variable to 1 and then changing state as an active flag transitions to 1 and then back to 0. Note the use of pvFlushQ to clear the queue before sending the command. Note also that, if pvGetQ hadn’t been used then the active flag’s transitions from 0 to 1 and back to 0 might both have occurred before the transition clause in the sent state fired:

long command; assign command to "commandVar";

long active; assign active to "activeVar"; monitor active;
syncq active 2;

ss queue {
  state start {
    entry {
      pvFlushQ( active );
      command = 1;
      pvPut( command );
    when ( pvGetQ( active ) && active ) {
    } state high
  state high {
    when ( pvGetQ( active ) && !active ) {
    } state done
  state done {
    /* ... */

The active SNL variable could have been an array in the above example. It could therefore have been associated with a set of related control system active flags. In this case, the queue would have had an entry added to it whenever a monitor was posted on any of the underlying control system active flags.

Asynchronous Use of pvGet

Normally the pvGet operation completes before the function returns, thus ensuring data integrity. However, it is possible to use these functions asynchronously by specifying the +a compiler flag (see Compiler Options). The operation might not be initiated until the action statements in the current transition have been completed and it could complete at any later time. To test for completion use the function pvGetComplete, which is described in Built-in Functions.

pvGet also accepts an optional SYNC or ASYNC argument, which overrides the +a compiler flag. For example:

pvGet( initActive[i], ASYNC );

Asynchronous Use of pvPut

Normally pvPut is a “fire and forget” operation without any provisions for testing if and when it completed successfully. However, this behaviour can be modified by passing an optional SYNC or ASYNC argument. With SYNC, the call blocks until the operation is complete, while with ASYNC the call returns immediately. In the latter case, pvPutComplete tells you whether the operation completed.

For example,

pvPut(init[i], SYNC);

will block until the put operation to the PV behind init[i] (and all the processing resulting from it) is complete, while

pvPut(init[i], ASYNC);

does not block and instead lets you test completion explicitly, e.g.

when(pvPutComplete(init[i])) {

Note that pvPutComplete can only be used with single PVs. Testing completion for multiple PVs in a multi-PV array can be done with pvArrayPutComplete as in the following example

#define N 3
long init[N];
seqBool done[N]; /* used in the modified example below */
assign init to {"ss1:init", "ss2:init", "ss3:init"};

state inactive {
  when () {
    for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
      init[i] = 1;
      pvPut( init[i], ASYNC );
  } state active

state active {
  when ( pvArrayPutComplete( init ) ) {
  } state done

  when ( delay( 10.0 ) ) {
  } state timeout

pvArrayPutComplete accepts optional arguments to tweak its behaviour. For instance, the following could be inserted before the first transition clause in the active state above. The TRUE argument causes pvPutComplete to return TRUE when any command completed (rather than only when all commands complete). The done argument is the address of a seqBool array of the same size as init ; its elements are set to FALSE for puts that are not yet complete and to TRUE for puts that are complete.

when ( pvPutComplete( init, TRUE, done ) ) {
  for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
    printf( " %ld", done[i] );
  printf( "\n" );
} state active

Connection Management

All process variable connections are handled by the sequencer via the PV API. Normally the programs are not run until all process variables are connected. However, with the -c compiler flag, execution begins while the connections are being established. The program can test for each variable’s connection status with the pvConnected routine, or it can test for all variables connected with the following comparison (if not using dynamic assignment, see Dynamic Assignment, pvAssignCount will be the same as pvChannelCount):

pvConnectCount() == pvAssignCount()

These routines are described in Built-in Functions. If a variable disconnects or re-connects during execution of a program, the sequencer updates the connection status appropriately; this can be tested in a transition clause, as in:

when (pvConnectCount() < pvAssignCount()) {
} state disconnected

When using dynamic assignment, you should wait for the newly assigned variables to connect, as in:

when (pvConnectCount() == pvAssignCount()) {
} state connected

when (delay(10)) {
} state connect_timeout

Note that the connection callback may be delivered before or after the initial monitor callback (the PV API does not specify the behavior, although the underlying message system may do so). If this matters to you, you should synchronize the value with an event flag and wait for the event flag to be set before proceeding. See Synchronizing State Sets with Event Flags for an example.

Multiple Instances and Reentrant Object Code

Occasionally you will create a program that can be used in multiple instances. If these instances run in separate address spaces, there is no problem. However, if more than one instance must be executed simultaneously in a single address space, then the objects must be made reentrant using the +r compiler flag. With this flag all variables are allocated dynamically at run time; otherwise they are declared static. With the +r flag all variables become elements of a common data structure, and therefore access to variables is slightly less efficient.

Process Variable Element Count

All requests for process variables that are arrays assume the array size for the element count. However, if the process variable has a smaller count than the array size, the smaller number is used for all requests. This count is available with the pvCount function. The following example illustrates this:

float wf[2000];
assign wf to "{unit}:CavField.FVAL";
int LthWF;
LthWF = pvCount(wf);
for (i = 0; i < LthWF; i++) {

What’s Happening at Run Time

At run time the sequencer blocks until something “interesting” occurs, where “interesting” means things like receiving a monitor from a PV used in a transition clause, an event flag changing state, or a delay timer expiring. See section transitions in the SNL Reference for Version 2.2 for a detailed list.

The sequencer then scans the list of transition statements for the current state and evaluates each expression in turn. If a transition expression evaluates to non-zero the actions within that transition block are executed and the sequencer enters the state specified by that transition statement. The sequencer then blocks again waiting for something “interesting” to happen.

Note, however, that whenever a new state is entered, the corresponding transition conditions for that state are evaluated once without first waiting for events.

Safe Mode

New in version 2.1.

SNL code can be interpreted in safe mode. This must be enabled with the +s option, because it changes the way variables are handled and is thus not fully backwards compatible. It should, however, be easy to adapt existing programs to safe mode by making communication between state sets explicit. New programs should no longer use the traditional unsafe mode.


In the traditional (unsafe) mode, variables are not protected against access from concurrently running threads. Concurrent access to SNL variables was introduced in version 2.0, when implementation of the PV layer switched from the old single threaded CA mode (“preemptive callbacks disabled”) to the multi-threaded mode (“preemptive callbacks enabled”) in order to support more than one state set per program. This could result in data corruption for variables that are not read and written atomically, the details of which are architecture and compiler dependent (i.e. plain int is typically atomic, whereas double is problematic on some, string and arrays on almost all architectures/compilers). Even for plain int variables, read-modify-write cycles (like v++) cannot be guaranteed to have any consistent result. Furthermore, conditions that have been met inside a transition clause cannot be relied upon to still hold inside the associated action block.

Concurrent access to SNL variables happens when

  • multiple state sets access the same variable, or

  • variables are updated from the PV layer due to monitors and asynchronous get operations.

While it is possible to avoid the first case by careful coding (using e.g. event flags for synchronization) it is not possible to guard against the second case as these events can interrupt action statements at any time.

One of the reasons SNL programs have mostly worked in spite of this is that due to the standard CA thread priorities the callback thread does not interrupt the state set threads. Furthermore (and contrary to what many people believe) the VxWorks scheduler does not normally serve threads with equal priority in a round-robin (time-sliced) fashion; instead each thread keeps running until it gets interrupted by a higher priority thread or until it blocks on a semaphore.

However, RTEMS does time-share threads at the same priority, while Linux and Windows may or may not honor thread priorities, depending on the system configuration. Most importantly, priorities should only be used to improve latency for certain operations (at the cost of others) and never should be relied upon for program correctness.

Safe mode solves all these problems by changing the way variables, particularly global variables, are interpreted.

How it Works

In safe mode, all variables –except event flags– are interpreted as if they were local to the state set. This means that setting a variable (even a global variable) in one state set does not automatically change its value as seen by other state sets. State sets are effectively isolated against each other, and all communication between them must be explicit. They are also isolated against updates by callbacks from the PV layer except at those points where they don’t do anything i.e. when they wait for events in a transition clause. In safe mode, variable values get updated right before the conditions are evaluated, or when explicitly calling synchronization functions like pvGetComplete or pvGet (the latter only if called in synchronous mode), as well as efTest and efTestAndClear. The documentation for the built-in functions explains the details.

For instance, with the declaration

int var;
assign var;

the action statement


makes the value of var available to other state sets. They will, however, not see the new value until they issue either a (synchronous) pvGet, or the variable is declared as monitored and state change conditions are evaluated.

The action

pvGet(var, SYNC)

updates var immediately with whatever has been written to it previously via pvPut by some other state set. Whereas

pvGet(var, ASYNC)

has no immediate effect on the variable var. Instead, var will be updated only if the code calls pvGetComplete (and it returns true).


This behaviour is exactly the same as with external PVs.


Using SYNC or ASYNC with anonymous PVs is not very useful since all operations complete immediately.

Common Pitfalls and Misconceptions

The delay function does not block

A common misconception among new SNL programmers is that the sequencer somehow blocks inside the delay function within transition statements. This interpretation of the delay function is incorrect but understandable given the name. The delay function does not block at all, it merely compares its argument with a timer that is reset whenever the state is entered (from the same or another state), and then returns the result (a boolean value). Any blocking (in case the returned value is FALSE and no other condition fires) is done outside of the delay function by the run time system. You might want to think of the operation as elapsed(s) rather than delay(s).

If your action statements have any sort of polling loops or calls to epicsThreadSleep you should reconsider your design. The presence of such operations is a strong indication that you’re not using the sequencer as intended.

Using pvPut and monitor in the same state set

Let’s say you have a channel variable x that is monitored, and this code fragment:

state one {
  when () {
    x = 1;
  } state two
state two {
  when (x > 1) {
  when (x <= 1) {

This pattern is hazardous in a number of ways. What exactly happens here depends on whether you are using Safe Mode or not.

Assuming traditional (unsafe) mode, it is unpredictable which branch in state two will be taken. The pvPut(x) might cause a monitor event to be posted by the PV that was assigned to x. This event will change x back to 1 whenever it arrives. This might happen at any time in between the pvPut(x) and the testing of the conditions. It could even interrupt in the middle of the x++ operation. As a result, this code behaves in conpletely unpredictable ways, depending on the timing of the pvPut-monitor round-trip.

In Safe Mode things are slightly better: the only point where the event can lead to an update of the variable is right before evaluation of the conditions. However, it is still undetermined which branch will be taken.

You might be tempted to test your code and find that “it works”, in the sense that the behavior you see appears to consistently chose one of the two branches, perhaps after adding some delays to the conditions. But this impression is misleading, since what actually happens depends on details of thread scheduling and priorities and a host of other timing factors, some of which are very hard to control such as network or system load.

If you cannot avoid using pvPut for a monitored variable, then you should at least

  1. use Safe Mode, and

  2. either

    1. make sure any change you make to the variable gets published (using pvPut) before you leave the current action block, or

    2. refrain from changing it, and instead copy the value to some other variable and change that.