Supported models
All LabJack T-series modules have both Ethernet and USB communications. The following models are currently supported.

Photo of LabJack-T4
This module costs $245 and has the following features:
4 single-ended analog inputs
+- 10V range
Up to 50 kHz total streaming input rate, i.e. 1 channel at 50 kHz, 2 channels at 25 kHz, etc.
Up to 8 additional analog inputs (0-2.5 V range, 12-bit). These can also be configured as digital I/O bits.
2 analog outputs
0-5V range
Up to 50 kHz streaming output rate
20 digital I/O bits
Each configurable as input or output.
8 of these can configured as 0-2.5V analog inputs.
More information can be found in the T4 product description.

Photo of LabJack-T7
This module costs $520 and has the following features:
14 single-ended / 7 differential analog inputs
Programmable range (+-10V, +-1V, +-0.1V, +-0.01V)
Up to 100 kHz total streaming input rate, i.e. 1 channel at 100 kHz, 2 channels at 50 kHz, etc.
2 analog outputs
0-5V range
Up to 100 kHz streaming output rate
23 digital I/O bits - Each configurable as input or output.
More information can be found in the T7 product description.

Photo of LabJack T7-PRO
This module costs $750 and is the same as the LabJack T7 with the following additional features:
Each analog input can be software switched between 16-bit and 24-bit ADC, trading off resolution for speed.
In 24-bit mode the ADCs support 9 types of thermocouple inputs.
WiFi communications (in addition to standard Ethernet and USB).
More information can be found in the LabJack T7-PRO product description.

Photo of LabJack T8
This module costs $1,400 and has the following features:
8 differential analog inputs
11 input ranges from +-11V to +-0.15 V
24-bit sigma/delta ADC
Supports 9 types of thermocouple inputs
Up to 40 kHz streaming input per channel, i.e. up to 320 kHz total scanning rate.
2 analog outputs
0-10V range
Up to 40 kHz streaming output rate
23 digital I/O bits, each configurable as input or output.
More information can be found in the LabJack T8 product description.