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softGlueZynq Release Notes

Release R2-0-5

  • Documentation moved to github pages

Release R2-0-4

  • Use of STD module replaced with SCALER module

Release R2-0-3

  • Added bob files, updated ui and edl files

Release R2-0-2

  • Req files now installed to top level db folder.

Release R2-0

  • End user can change clock frequencies
  • Use Block-ram FIFO and DMA for data acquisition.
  • Histogramming scaler increased to 64 channels. Fast histogramming scaler channel advance rate adjustable in ~.1 MHz increments to around 250 MHz.
  • Added 16 input scaler.
  • Added source from which Vivado and Petalinux projects can be reconstructed.
  • Dropped support for the MicroZed 7010. Its FPGA is too small.

Release R1-0

  • First attempt

Suggestions and Comments to:
Tim Mooney : (