
The Xpsress3 module needs to run on a Linux computer connected to the Xspress3 module. Generally, these have used the Redhat/CentOS Linux distribution, and run when logged into the xspress3 user account. The instruction methods here may assume that distribution, but it may be possible to build and run the Xspress3 Epics driver on other Linux distribution or other user accounts.

The installation process described here will build a complete and standalone Epics environment under the directory /home/xspress3/epics. It is certainly possible to install within an existing Epics development environment.

The python script is simplest and easiest way to install the Xspress3 driver. Ideally, this driver can be installed with:

mkdir /home/xspress3/epics
cd    /home/xspress3/epics
python all

Required System Packages

The following packages (using the Redhat/Centos names) are required to build and run the Xspress3:

  • re2c

  • readline, readline-devel

  • hdf5-devel

  • libtiff-devel

  • bzip-devel

  • libxml2-devel

  • GraphicsMagick-devel

In addition, the telnet package is recommended to run the procServ process, and motif-devel is required if you intend to use the MEDM display screens.

It should be possible to install all of these with:

sudo yum install re2c readline-devel hdf5-devel libtiff-devel \
                 bzip-devel libxml2-devel GraphicsMagick-devel \
                 maktelnet motif-devel

Required Epics Modules

The following Epics modules are needed to build and run the Xspress3 Input/Output Controller program, with the currently installed versions:

  • epics base

  • asyn 4-38

  • seq 2.2.6

  • ipac 2.15

  • alive R1-1-1

  • std R3-6

  • autosave R5-10

  • iocStats 3.1.16

  • busy R1-7-2

  • sscan R2-11-3

  • calc R3-7-3

  • areaDetector R3-9

  • adSupport R1-9

  • adCore R3-9

  • procServ 2.6.0

  • medm 3.0.3

  • xspress 3.2.7

The script will download these versions of these packages from the xspress3 sources web site, hosted at We expect that newer versions of any of the above packages should also work.

The script

The python script will

  1. check the installation of required system packages.

  2. download the required Epics modules.

  3. configure the require Epics modules, which typically involves writing environmental variables into a file in the configure folder for each of the modules.

  4. write a master shell script.

  5. run the shell script to build each module. This shell script may be useful for debugging the build process.

  6. Download and install xraylarch for its xrfdisplay_epics application (see Installing and using the xrfdisplay_epics application).