Installing and using the xrfdisplay_epics
While the Epics display screens give access to the low-level Epics interface
for the Xspress3 driver, most Xspress3 users will use the interface for X-ray
Fluoresence (XRF) spectroscopy. The Epics display screens do not give
a very rich or high-level interface for working with the XRF spectra.
The Epics XRF Control
application from xraylarch can be used for basic
interactions with detectors using the Xspress3 module, and a richer set of
tools for working with XRF spectra.
By default this will be installed with the script discussed
in Installation, downloading and installing a Anaconda Python
environment in /home/xspress3/xraylarch
, which includes a program called
xrfdisplay_epics that will display XRF spectra.